21 Best Bible Verses About God’s Unconditional Love

21 Best Bible Verses About God’s Unconditional Love

New Christian, seasoned Christian, the struggle is the same. Believing that God loves you unconditionally. Believing that you can’t do anything to make Him love you more, nor can you do anything to make Him love you less. Do you want to believe this with all your heart? Do you want to live in a way that the world sees that you believe this? Do you want to know all the Bible verses about God’s unconditional love? This is a good place to start.

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21 Powerful Psalms of Thanksgiving

Some days you just need Psalms of thanksgiving more than others. The alarm sounds in the morning. You wake up refreshed, renewed with joy and excitement to go take on the world. You sit down at the table with a cup of freshly brewed Italian roast coffee, your favorite breakfast, your journal, and your iPad Bible app. You’re ready to dig into the Word and journal about your experience so your great grandkids will know what a Christian warrior you were!!

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Bible Study: Where To Start When You Just Haven't In Too Long

It’s been a month, and you realize you can’t remember the last time you touched your Bible. You’re not even sure where it is. Where do you even start to get back into the Bible? Where do you even go in the Bible to get your hunger for the Word of God back? What do you read when you don’t even really want to read?

Does this sound familiar? It is a common situation, but I want to help you combat the shame and condemnation that also shows up in these seasons.

You’ve neglected your Bible study, so you are already vulnerable, and then here come guilt, shame, and condemnation to dogpile on top of you and kick you while you’re down. This makes jumping back in and knowing where to start all the more challenging.

I want to help you figure out how to get back into studying the Bible and actually enjoying it. The Bible is a vital and redirecting source, and I want you to be able to jump back in with joy and excitement.

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37 Verses To Remind You Who You Are In Christ | Identity in Christ Verses

Today we’re talking identity in Christ. When we accept Jesus for who He is, we become entirely new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5:17) We've gained a brand new identity as well as gifts and callings. We become children of the Father. 

Problem is many us never really take the time to dive in and discover all that we now are in Christ. 

So we are sharing some verses with you to remind you who you are in Christ. Verse lists like this one are great to keep on your phone and laptop at all times to remind yourself who you are and to share with others who find themselves smack dab in the middle of an identity crisis. 

Here are 37 verses to help you remember your identity in Christ. 

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The Message Your Heart Needs To Hear From The Father

We’re all about helping you to navigate the challenging seasons of life and reminding you that you are loved more than you could ever imagine by the Father.

That’s why I created this graphic quiz. I used to love these in teenybopper magazines where you find out what hair color you should wear or what celebrity crush best suits you.

I hope we achieved a bit more depth with our than those did. We want to help you discover a message your heart needs at the moment from the father. Different seasons call for different messages and reminders, so we pray you get a little encouragement regardless of your current circumstances.

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6 Ideas To Get More Scripture Into A Busy Life

If you are anything like me, you’re probably pretty busy and super interested in ways to get more scripture into your busy life. Struggling to find time for meaningful Bible study can be a significant source of stress and shame, but today I want to share some simple ways to say no to shame and get more out of your Bible study time even when you are pressed for time.

I wear a lot of hats. I am a new mom. I am a wife. I run a business. Those are just my most labor-intensive hats. I understand the struggle of managing your time and making sure that you are keeping your relationship with the Lord a priority. 

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10 Scriptures To Help You Survive The Storms Of Life

I try my best to provide content that reminds you how loved you are and how valuable you are to the Father. I strive to provide encouragement to chase your dreams and to believe God for big and bold things. I want you to be kind to yourself and others because you are overwhelmed by how kind God is towards you. 

But I also want you prepared and equipped for when life gets tough because life will get tough. Stormy seasons of life are inevitable. Jesus even warned us in John 16:33 that trouble will find us in this life. He didn't leave it there though. That warning is actually sandwiched between promises that He has already overcome and that He is with us.  

Today we are going to look at some awesome verses for surviving the storms we find ourselves in. These are my favorite kind of posts to write because I just get to pack them full of scripture.

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