Bible Study: Where To Start When You Just Haven't In Too Long

It’s been a month, and you realize you can’t remember the last time you touched your Bible. You’re not even sure where it is. Where do you even start to get back into the Bible? Where do you even go in the Bible to get your hunger for the Word of God back? What do you read when you don’t even really want to read?

Does this sound familiar? It is a common situation, but I want to help you combat the shame and condemnation that also shows up in these seasons.

You’ve neglected your Bible study, so you are already vulnerable, and then here come guilt, shame, and condemnation to dogpile on top of you and kick you while you’re down. This makes jumping back in and knowing where to start all the more challenging. 

I want to help you figure out how to get back into studying the Bible and actually enjoying it. The Bible is a vital and redirecting source, and I want you to be able to jump back in with joy and excitement. 

Life is full of distractions and uncertainties. Sometimes we get busy and overwhelmed and we loose sight of our priorities. Here is how to read the Bible when you haven’t for too long.

But first, if you are feeling bogged down or overwhelmed, we have a Bite-Sized Bible Study called More Than You Can Handle that will help you overcome overwhelm and feel encouraged in just 20 minutes or less.

So, where do you even start when you want to regain that joy and hunger for more of God’s Word? When you haven’t touched your Bible in weeks, where do you start?

Start with God’s promises and Truth.

The best place to start is with God’s many promises and with the Truth. These don’t change because you got busy or distracted. 

What did change if you are dealing with shame and condemnation is you are likely entertaining some lies and false beliefs. That’s why the first things first: let’s replace the lies and unbelief with Truth and promises.

I think having a list of verses that point to truths and promises that resonate with you is a smart idea. I would read through those verses in a few translations or write them out in my favorite translation.

Here are some verses to start your list. 

God wants to spend time with you even when you’ve neglected to spend time with Him.

“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord…” Jeremiah 29:12-14a NKJV

This is the Lord talking to the nation of Israel, but it shows you the Father’s nature. He wants to be found. He’s not hiding or giving you the silent treatment. The more you seek Him, the more you will find Him. 

Don’t let shame distract you from this truth. You Father is looking forward to spending time with you. He is excited for you to continue to get to know Him and grow in Him as your confidence in His love for you multiplies and strengthens.

Yes! I need this!

Condemnation is a lie from hell.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:31 NKJV

Let me clarify. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. When God convicts us of falling short of our calling, it motivates us to press in further. It reminds us of what we were created to be. God draws and invites us back to Him when we are messing up or distracted. 

Condemnation is from the Enemy. To condemn something is to declare it not fit for use. Condemnation attacks your identity and calls you to question who God has said you are. 

When you feel shame and like you should avoid God because you aren’t good enough or think He’s mad at you, those are lies and not God. 

God’s goal is always to draw us closer.

Remember that God is Love.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

Replace the word love with God. Seriously go do that… I’ll wait. 

Now, doesn’t that sound like a God you want to know and be close to? Doesn’t that sound like a God you can approach when you’ve made mistakes and been distracted and find kindness and help? 

That is who He is! His love is unconditional, and it does not shrink or flee because you lost focus. You are on a journey. Sanctification, or becoming more like God, is a process, and the Father is with you in it.

Life is full of distractions and uncertainties. Sometimes we get busy and overwhelmed and we loose sight of our priorities. Here is how to read the Bible when you haven’t for too long.

Just go read.

Now that we’ve looked at some promises and truths go read. 

Simple, right? Just do it. 

Go get your Bible and read. What’s your favorite book? Psalms? Proverbs? 1 John? Start there. 

Do you have a book that you’ve read so often you start to worry that maybe you should branch out a little? Don’t. Go back to that book and dive in! There’s a reason you are frequently drawn to it. Read there and get all fired up again and go from there.

You don’t really have a favorite? That’s okay. I suggest you start with The Gospel of John. That book is my favorite for when I need a reminder of just how great Jesus is.

Or Colossians. That book is like my comfy blanket. I frequently turn to Colossians to get back in the groove of reading.

Wherever you start, start. 

Then do it again.

Look, I know studying the Bible can sometimes feel like a chore. That is a natural part of relationships. There are times when I am not interested in listening to my husband talk about construction or some new area of politics he’s currently obsessed with. 

I listen anyways. Because I love God, and our relationship matters. When I focus on keeping a good attitude, a lot of bonding can come from those conversations. 

You reading the Bible each day is not a chore. It’s a vital part of your relationship with the Father. When it starts to feel like a tedious chore, that usually means you’ve lost focus on its relational aspect. 

There will be days when you don’t want to read because you are tired or overloaded. Life happens. God’s aware. There’s grace for those moments. Then there will be days when you are the problem. Days where you forget to die to yourself, and on those days, it will take discipline to press through and dig into God’s Word to overcome. 

And your faith will be stronger for it. And you will feel closer to God than ever as you allow Him into the details of your life.

So keep. On. Reading.