Bible Study: Where To Start When You Just Haven't In Too Long

It’s been a month, and you realize you can’t remember the last time you touched your Bible. You’re not even sure where it is. Where do you even start to get back into the Bible? Where do you even go in the Bible to get your hunger for the Word of God back? What do you read when you don’t even really want to read?

Does this sound familiar? It is a common situation, but I want to help you combat the shame and condemnation that also shows up in these seasons.

You’ve neglected your Bible study, so you are already vulnerable, and then here come guilt, shame, and condemnation to dogpile on top of you and kick you while you’re down. This makes jumping back in and knowing where to start all the more challenging.

I want to help you figure out how to get back into studying the Bible and actually enjoying it. The Bible is a vital and redirecting source, and I want you to be able to jump back in with joy and excitement.

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37 Verses To Remind You Who You Are In Christ | Identity in Christ Verses

Today we’re talking identity in Christ. When we accept Jesus for who He is, we become entirely new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5:17) We've gained a brand new identity as well as gifts and callings. We become children of the Father. 

Problem is many us never really take the time to dive in and discover all that we now are in Christ. 

So we are sharing some verses with you to remind you who you are in Christ. Verse lists like this one are great to keep on your phone and laptop at all times to remind yourself who you are and to share with others who find themselves smack dab in the middle of an identity crisis. 

Here are 37 verses to help you remember your identity in Christ. 

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5 Habits Of An Aspiring Prayer Warrior - Establishing A Life Of Prayer

The theme of the last two years for me has been prayer. My understanding of the power and purpose of prayer has grown more than ever. These years more than any other in my life I have felt a gentle pulling on my soul to draw closer to God. 

I don’t know how your prayer life is, but I can admit that at the start of 2016 mine was nonexistent. I was heartbroken and had suffered a loss that I was fighting to keep from blaming God. Speaking with Him was just not on my list of things to do. Somewhere during the year that changed. God healed my heart and my desire for a deeper relationship with Him began to grow exponentially. 

We all long for something more. We all want that deep connection with the Lord and the power of prayer working in our lives. The good news is that connection is available to every believer! It's a birthright. All we've got to do is steward our hearts and time well. Here are some of my tips for growing and cultivating a deeper prayer life!

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Why A Good God Would Want You To Forgive

Most of us know that the Bible teaches that we have to forgive the people who let us down and hurt us but have you ever wondered why? Why would a so called “good” and “loving” God want us to forgive the people who have fallen short or who have brutalized or victimized us? Why should we forgive the people we're lucky to have survived? There are several reasons, and today we are going to break down three of them. (Three is my personal favorite.)

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Love is Not Rude - How To Be Kind When It's Hard

I am sure anyone who has bought anything from anywhere in person has had at least one poor customer service experience. Rude people are no fun. It is always startling when someone treats me rudely. Today we are going to talk about how love is never rude.

Sometimes rude people are arrogant, you can check out last week's post to read more about arrogant people. Today though I want to look at and speak to the person who is just not good with people. You’ve been called rude…and a whole lot worse I am sure. I know because this is a pitfall of my own. 

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Love Is Not Arrogant | Overflow: A Study on 1 Corinthians 13

A common thing I hear single women say is that they want a man that is confident but not arrogant. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance but once that line is crossed you are faced with a super unattractive person. Arrogance is the worst and we naturally are turned away by it because of the nature of arrogance. 

Arrogance is the person with their nose in the air. Think Pretty Woman when she goes shopping at that fancy boutique and the haughty clerks take one look at her and decide that she isn’t good enough for their shop or their time. Arrogance inflates a person's view of themselves. That’s why the Bible says that love is not arrogant or puffed up. 

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How To Not Get Your Butt Kicked Spiritually | Week 3 - An Armor of God Bible Study

Helmets are a pretty common thing. You don’t go play tackle football without a helmet. You don't walk onto a construction site without a hard hat. You shouldn't right a bike or a motorcycle without a helmet and you diffidently should not go into battle without a helmet! Your head is obviously very important! Therefore your helmet is essential! That is why Paul reminds us that we need to put on our helmet of salvation. 

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