15 Verses For Loss: Scriptures to Comfort the Grief Stricken

I don't know your story, but loss is loss. So whether you've lost a dream, a child, a relationship or whatever, that hurts. Your pain is valid, and mourning is a necessary process to healing. You are allowed to be sad and even angry. But I want you to know that you are not alone in your pain. God is there with you. Even if it is Him you are mad at (He's not intimidated by your anger by the way), He won't leave you. He's not uncomfortable with your sadness. 

God is with you. He will see you through this season. I pray this post gives you some encouragement. I spent some time today going through and deepening it a bit so even if you've been here before I think it's worth the reread. Live blessed you guys and be kind, especially to yourselves today. Sincerely in Him, Andriana.

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37 Verses To Remind You Who You Are In Christ | Identity in Christ Verses

Today we’re talking identity in Christ. When we accept Jesus for who He is, we become entirely new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5:17) We've gained a brand new identity as well as gifts and callings. We become children of the Father. 

Problem is many us never really take the time to dive in and discover all that we now are in Christ. 

So we are sharing some verses with you to remind you who you are in Christ. Verse lists like this one are great to keep on your phone and laptop at all times to remind yourself who you are and to share with others who find themselves smack dab in the middle of an identity crisis. 

Here are 37 verses to help you remember your identity in Christ. 

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27 Comforting Psalms: Psalms to Comfort the Grieving, Overwhelmed, & Hurting

The Psalms are packed full of the pure and honest heart cries of people who found themselves in all sorts of circumstances. I love the honesty with which they felt free to approach God. 

The vast majority of Psalms came pouring out of a heart wrought with pain and turmoil. Most of them are laments. They are the songs of the people of God crying out to Him in the midst of loss, persecutions, obstacles, trials, and heartaches. 

The Psalms are a beautiful haven when life is tough because they remind us of the power found in praise and worship regardless of our distresses. They point us to the comfort found in His presence, even in the midst of pain, when we remember how wonderfully faithful and kind He is.

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10 Scriptures To Help You Survive The Storms Of Life

I try my best to provide content that reminds you how loved you are and how valuable you are to the Father. I strive to provide encouragement to chase your dreams and to believe God for big and bold things. I want you to be kind to yourself and others because you are overwhelmed by how kind God is towards you. 

But I also want you prepared and equipped for when life gets tough because life will get tough. Stormy seasons of life are inevitable. Jesus even warned us in John 16:33 that trouble will find us in this life. He didn't leave it there though. That warning is actually sandwiched between promises that He has already overcome and that He is with us.  

Today we are going to look at some awesome verses for surviving the storms we find ourselves in. These are my favorite kind of posts to write because I just get to pack them full of scripture.

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How To Survive Life's Storms | What the Bible Has To Say About Storms

There is a storm blowing in right now as I am writing this. The clouds have gone all dark and gray, and there’s a quietness in the air. Here is a random fact about me. I love storms! 

Thunderstorms just quiet my soul and remind me of the power that our God possesses. Scripture tells us there this crazy lightning & thunderstorm display happening around His throne. I love that. Storms make me think of Heaven. 

Now I know storms can quickly become scary. They can go from your average thunderstorm to something very destructive very quickly. These types of storms remind me of life. Life is full of ups and downs. There are moments where being joyful is so effortless it just pours from us. Then there are times where we find ourselves in a stormy season. Thankfully the Bible has a lot to say about storms.

Now I know storms can quickly become scary. They can go from your average thunderstorm to something very destructive very quickly. These types of storms remind me of life. Life is full of ups and downs. There are moments where being joyful is so effortless it just pours from us. Then there are times where we find ourselves in a stormy season. 

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The Key To Loving Others The Way Christ Calls Us To

We are going to spend some serious time looking at 1 Corinthians 13 which is home to the infamous love chapter and we're just going to soak in all the wonderfulness that is in that passage. Before we dive into the different aspects of love I first want to share why I believe with all of my heart that it is crucial to understand that we cannot muster up the type of love that we are called to share on our own. We cannot achieve and sustain the type of beautiful love that is displayed for us in 1 Corinthians 13. 

We can, however, receive this perfect love from our Father who is pouring it out on us constantly. We can receive and be filled with His love and from that place of being filled we can overflow and let that love pour out of us and wash over those around us. Most of us believers are not fully aware of just how loved we are. 

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How To Forgive: When You Want To Let It Go But Just Can't

Now I don’t know what “it” is for you all. “It” could be any number of things. It could be that somebody hurt you. Maybe your spouse or your mother in law said something that just keeps echoing in your mind and you can’t seem to let it go and move on. Maybe somebody wronged you. Maybe your neighbor got an extra car and he now parks in his driveway AND your parking spot. Maybe you didn’t get the promotion you were clearly next in line to get. Maybe you got skipped, forgotten, left behind, walked over or disrespected. 

Or maybe you messed up. Maybe you dropped the ball big time. Everyone says it’s okay but you just can’t move on and forgive yourself. Maybe you hurt someone else. Maybe you really hurt someone you love and you just don’t know how to move forward. Maybe you failed at something that wanted to prosper. 

Today I want to share sometimes for What To Do When You Want To Let It Go But Just Can’t!

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