Motherhood & The Holy Spirit - 3 Surprising Lessons Motherhood Taught Me About Holy Spirit

I took part in a training years ago on ministering deliverance. The thing that has stuck with me is that your relationships with family impact your view of the individuals of the trinity. 

How you interact with your dad heavily influences your instinctual view of God. Your relationship with your friends and siblings impacts your view of Jesus. The way you related to your mother impacts how you relate to Holy Spirit. 

This teaching has proven more accurate in my life and faith walk than I would like to admit at times.

Now that I am a mother, I think about and talk to Holy Spirit a TON more than ever before. The Holy Spirit is described using qualities that come most natural and common to women and mothers.

Holy Spirit is a comforter, an advocate, a counselor, and a helper.

As I quickly approach becoming a mother of two, I have been reflecting on this concept again. So if my mothering instincts are a reflection of the nature of Holy Spirit, here are some things I have learned.

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The Perfect Worship Playlist For The Hopeless & Discouraged

Life is all about seasons. The good news is that seasons change, but what do we do when we are in a challenging season? What can we do when we are feeling discouraged and hopeless? My answer is always praise and worship. That is why I have curated this playlist for when you are feeling hopeless and discouraged. 

 When we get into a posture of worship and lift praises to our Father, it shifts our perspective and transforms our attitudes. That is why it is so powerful when we are weary or discouraged. 

These songs are some of the ones I turn to when I am struggling to find hope. They will point you back to the ultimate source of hope, and they will transform your outlook on your circumstances as you begin to feel renewed and refreshed in the presence of our Father!

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Does God See Us As Nobodies, Wretches or Sinners? Understanding Our Identity In Christ

There is this constant narrative that I have been aware of for years where we are told that or we declare of our selves that we are “nobody’s,” wretches, sinners, and the like. There is this line of thinking that implies that we, as believers, are still somehow worthless or God’s little charity orphans. 

People are crying out for identity all around us, so I believe it matters more than ever what we say of ourselves. The question is, does what we say of ourselves match what the Father says of us. It is after all His opinion that matters the most, so let’s dive in and see what scripture says about our identity and worth. 

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Bible Verses For The Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Encouragement and Verses To Help You Fight The Fear and Endure the Quarantine

With all of the chaos and fear currently swirling around us in the world, it feels important to remind ourselves where to turn for hope and security. As coronavirus runs its course, we want to help you stay confident and peaceful during this time.

That’s why it was important to us that we share these Bible verses for waiting out the coronavirus. So whether you are all cooped up social distancing or if you are feeling ill, there is hope and help and encouragement for you, my friend!

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39 Powerful Bible Verses For Healing And Strength

God’s heart for you is that you be healthy and prosper. (3 John 1:2) Unfortunately, life can be tough at times, and attacks and chaos occasionally find us. When your circumstances are challenging, these Bible verses for healing and strength are sure to stir you up, point you back to truth and encourage you. 

The Bible has tons to say about healing, and it faithfully points our distracted, weary and wondering hearts back to the source of our strength. If you are in need today for either healing or strength, I pray these verses bless you and restore to you a greater hope!

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27 Bible Verses About Serving Others That Will Motivate You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Bible tells us to care for the poor, to help the widowed and orphaned and to serve our brothers and sisters in the faith. These Bible verses about serving others show us what that looks like.

Mike and I have been practicing growing in our hospitality. If you like us have this growing desire to be more of a blessing to those around you and to truly change the world by changing your world one person at a time then these verses on helping others is a great place to start!

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The Time I Told God No - Bringing Our Questions, Hurts & Doubts To God

I grew up with the understanding that I was never supposed to “question” God. Nevertheless, as I grew in my faith and my relationship with Him, some of my most significant moments of breakthrough have come from moments where He met me at the end of my pretending. My greatest faith moments have come from moments of honesty, where I finally admitted all of the questions, doubts, and fears I had regarding Him.

So know that this story is not one of me in outright rebellion…at least I hope not. Instead, this was a moment of complete broken-hearted tantruming. I hope you’ll read through to the end as I genuinely want to share what this story taught me and what it means for you in your relationship with our Father.

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