The Perfect Worship Playlist For The Hopeless & Discouraged

Life is all about seasons. The good news is that seasons change, but what do we do when we are in a challenging season? What can we do when we are feeling discouraged and hopeless? My answer is always praise and worship. That is why I have curated this playlist for when you are feeling hopeless and discouraged. 

 When we get into a posture of worship and lift praises to our Father, it shifts our perspective and transforms our attitudes. That is why it is so powerful when we are weary or discouraged. 

These songs are some of the ones I turn to when I am struggling to find hope. They will point you back to the ultimate source of hope, and they will transform your outlook on your circumstances as you begin to feel renewed and refreshed in the presence of our Father!

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27 Bible Verses About Serving Others That Will Motivate You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Bible tells us to care for the poor, to help the widowed and orphaned and to serve our brothers and sisters in the faith. These Bible verses about serving others show us what that looks like.

Mike and I have been practicing growing in our hospitality. If you like us have this growing desire to be more of a blessing to those around you and to truly change the world by changing your world one person at a time then these verses on helping others is a great place to start!

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How To Read More Books Yearly When You Are A Busy Mom

I love reading. I wish I could say I had always loved it, but it wasn’t until I was 18 the I discovered the power of books! Sometimes I think back to my single days back before the husband and kids on how much I used to be able to read in a year.

Long gone are the days of staying up all night to finish books. Since my son was born, finding the time to read has been quite a challenge. Nevertheless, I have discovered some great ways to make sure that I am still taking the time to escape into great books.

In fact, I managed to read 30+ books in my first year of motherhood. Which was such a blessing as it helped me to endure the challenges that come along with caring for my first newborn.

So here are the things that made all the difference for this busy mom!

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Creating A Daily Worship Time - July Worship Playlist & Prayer Guide

I LOVE praise and worship. I am a big believer that your experience with it corporately at church on Sundays is a reflection of your private praise and worship time. 

I pick 4 to 5 songs that feel relevant to my current circumstances and create a playlist that I listen to for a few weeks. I love picking songs with truths I struggle to believe or wrap my head around and playing them until I feel like my soul believes the words I am declaring through them. 

 These playlists are a ongoing series here at A Love Worth Living For.

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How To Create A Daily Worship and Prayer Time - June Worship Playlist & Prayer Guide

I LOVE praise and worship. I am a big believer that your experience with it corporately at church on Sundays is a reflection of your private praise and worship time. 

Lately, I have been trying to focus on better hosting the presence of God in my home. It is important to me that Judah grow up experiencing the Father through the day to day details and actions of his father and me. 

So we have been spending the first hour or so of the morning together listening to worship music and saying a little prayer together. I pray, and he contributes a few “da da da's” and “buhbye’s.” 

I pick 4 to 5 songs that feel relevant to my current circumstances and create a playlist that we listen to for a few weeks. I love picking songs with truths I struggle to believe or wrap my head around and playing them until I feel like my soul believes the words I am declaring through them. 

 These playlists will be a new ongoing series. Members of our community get pdf guides to accompany the playlist. If that interests you then know you are of course invited to join our community of thousands of praying women below! 

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30 Life-Giving Bible Verses About Struggle

Jesus told us in this life we would have trouble. (John 16:33) These Bible verses about struggle are the perfect place to turn when you find yourself surrounded by challenged, adversity and hardships.

Regardless of the circumstances causing your struggle there is hope in the midst of trials. As the saying goes “life is tough but so are you.” With the help of the Father you are stronger than the struggle. 

Our prayer is that among these verses about struggling you will find some a few that help you keep your eyes and focus on Jesus so that you can rise about the waves. You were created to thrive even in life’s stormy seasons. 

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How To Keep Loving When You Feel Unheard

We all have this deep need to be known and understood. We long to be heard and accepted. In spite of these needs that we all share, we tend to be terrible at meeting this need in others without doing some serious work to grow in self-awareness. 

So how can we love others when we feel entirely unheard by them? How can we continue to listen when it seems our words are falling on deaf ears? How can we pursue connection when it seems all the other person is interested in is distance?

I know that it is possible and I know that you can become really really great at it and I know that if you do the work necessary all of your marriage and relationships have a great chance of improving and strengthening. 

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