How To Be Better About Praying For Others - 5 Game Changing Tips To Transform Your Prayer Time

Learning how to pray for others is an important lesson each believer must learn. We all know that prayer is a powerful tool, but it can be hard to make it a pillar in our lives. I have been on a journey for the last five years to learn how, when, and what to pray. Back in 2016, my marriage was falling apart. 

It was in that season that I learned the power of praying for others. At the time, the person was my husband, but the lesson applied to everyone I cared about. I began to see that I was praying for others with me in mind. Or even worse, I wasn’t really praying about the people I cared about at all. 

I have some tips that I have picked up over the years that I am proud of and genuinely believe may help you grow in your prayer life and help you to better intercede for those around you. 

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27 Bible Verses About Serving Others That Will Motivate You To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Bible tells us to care for the poor, to help the widowed and orphaned and to serve our brothers and sisters in the faith. These Bible verses about serving others show us what that looks like.

Mike and I have been practicing growing in our hospitality. If you like us have this growing desire to be more of a blessing to those around you and to truly change the world by changing your world one person at a time then these verses on helping others is a great place to start!

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10 Verses For The Woman Who Feels Like An Outcast

If you’re reading this, we could assume it is because you resonate with the title I chose, so first off, let me just tell you that I feel you. I too have spent much of my life feeling like one of those sad broken toys on the Isle of Misfit Toys from Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

School, family, church, work - Regardless of where you are feeling left out, I have good news for you! From one outcast to another! It is this - you can rest my friend in the truth that you always have a place of belonging with the Father!

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The Time I Told God No - Bringing Our Questions, Hurts & Doubts To God

I grew up with the understanding that I was never supposed to “question” God. Nevertheless, as I grew in my faith and my relationship with Him, some of my most significant moments of breakthrough have come from moments where He met me at the end of my pretending. My greatest faith moments have come from moments of honesty, where I finally admitted all of the questions, doubts, and fears I had regarding Him.

So know that this story is not one of me in outright rebellion…at least I hope not. Instead, this was a moment of complete broken-hearted tantruming. I hope you’ll read through to the end as I genuinely want to share what this story taught me and what it means for you in your relationship with our Father.

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How To Keep Loving When You Feel Unheard

We all have this deep need to be known and understood. We long to be heard and accepted. In spite of these needs that we all share, we tend to be terrible at meeting this need in others without doing some serious work to grow in self-awareness. 

So how can we love others when we feel entirely unheard by them? How can we continue to listen when it seems our words are falling on deaf ears? How can we pursue connection when it seems all the other person is interested in is distance?

I know that it is possible and I know that you can become really really great at it and I know that if you do the work necessary all of your marriage and relationships have a great chance of improving and strengthening. 

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29 Best Bible Verses For A Broken Heart

The curve balls life throw at us sometimes can be heartbreaking. When it feels like things are falling apart, there is a place to turn to find solid footing and comfort. These Bible verses for a broken heart are some of my very favorites in all scripture and are sure to point you towards healing and encouragement. 

As someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, I am quite familiar with heartbreak. Regardless of what has broken your heart, it is our goal today to give you a bunch of Scriptures that will point you back to the truth that there is a Father in heaven who loves you more than you can ever imagine. He sees the burden you are carrying and cares about your pain. He will never leave you, especially when you are hurting.

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