Bible Verses For Overwhelm & Fatigue - Scriptures For The Overwhelmed Heart

Bible Verses For Overwhelm & Fatigue - Scriptures For The Overwhelmed Heart

We all know how it feels to be completely overwhelmed and exhausted.

Life get's hectic and the feeling of overwhelm can begin to feel like an old familiar friend. The good news I have for you today is even if overwhelm comes to visit, you don't have to let it stay around. Here are some of my very favorite Bible verses for overwhelm and fatigue. I pray they bring you some encouragement when challenging seasons sneak up on you.

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20 Best Bible Verses For Moms

Being a mom is the best job ever, but I am sure you can agree it is also really hard at times. I have been at this motherhood thing for a few years now, and I have amassed quite a few encouraging bible verses for moms that I cling to.

Being a mother is filled with fears and insecurities. It’s challenging, and it can feel very high stakes. This is a tiny human being, after all! It can also feel thankless and exhausting.

The good news is, God loves you, momma, and He is with you there in this season. These bible verses for moms are sure to lift your spirits and remind you that your Father is faithful.

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Does God See Us As Nobodies, Wretches or Sinners? Understanding Our Identity In Christ

There is this constant narrative that I have been aware of for years where we are told that or we declare of our selves that we are “nobody’s,” wretches, sinners, and the like. There is this line of thinking that implies that we, as believers, are still somehow worthless or God’s little charity orphans. 

People are crying out for identity all around us, so I believe it matters more than ever what we say of ourselves. The question is, does what we say of ourselves match what the Father says of us. It is after all His opinion that matters the most, so let’s dive in and see what scripture says about our identity and worth. 

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Bible Verses For The Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Encouragement and Verses To Help You Fight The Fear and Endure the Quarantine

With all of the chaos and fear currently swirling around us in the world, it feels important to remind ourselves where to turn for hope and security. As coronavirus runs its course, we want to help you stay confident and peaceful during this time.

That’s why it was important to us that we share these Bible verses for waiting out the coronavirus. So whether you are all cooped up social distancing or if you are feeling ill, there is hope and help and encouragement for you, my friend!

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15 Verses For Loss: Scriptures to Comfort the Grief Stricken

I don't know your story, but loss is loss. So whether you've lost a dream, a child, a relationship or whatever, that hurts. Your pain is valid, and mourning is a necessary process to healing. You are allowed to be sad and even angry. But I want you to know that you are not alone in your pain. God is there with you. Even if it is Him you are mad at (He's not intimidated by your anger by the way), He won't leave you. He's not uncomfortable with your sadness. 

God is with you. He will see you through this season. I pray this post gives you some encouragement. I spent some time today going through and deepening it a bit so even if you've been here before I think it's worth the reread. Live blessed you guys and be kind, especially to yourselves today. Sincerely in Him, Andriana.

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