15 Verses For Loss: Scriptures to Comfort the Grief Stricken

I don't know your story, but loss is loss. So whether you've lost a dream, a child, a relationship or whatever, that hurts. Your pain is valid, and mourning is a necessary process to healing. You are allowed to be sad and even angry. But I want you to know that you are not alone in your pain. God is there with you. Even if it is Him you are mad at (He's not intimidated by your anger by the way), He won't leave you. He's not uncomfortable with your sadness. 

God is with you. He will see you through this season. I pray this post gives you some encouragement. I spent some time today going through and deepening it a bit so even if you've been here before I think it's worth the reread. Live blessed you guys and be kind, especially to yourselves today. Sincerely in Him, Andriana.

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5 Things Loss Has Taught Me About God

It can be tough to imagine any good coming from painful losses. My husband and I have suffered two miscarriages and the pain and shock they bring. After having walked through both of those hard seasons, I would love to share what I learned about the Father. 

I will start by saying when we lost our first baby in 2015 I blamed God. It was in that season I realized I wasn’t sure who He was or how He could be trusted. The next year was a healing journey for me, and the Father continued to pursue my heart and teach me about His nature and He response to loss. 

When we lost our second baby in 2017, I clung to my Father as best as one can when facing that kind of pain. Mike and I both, declared we would not blame Him for this loss, and we tried our best to invite Him into our mourning as we knew this grieved His heart too. 

We don’t understand it all. We don’t have everything figured out, but we have, from our losses, learned who He is and today I want to share. 

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