21 Best Bible Verses About God’s Unconditional Love

21 Best Bible Verses About God’s Unconditional Love

New Christian, seasoned Christian, the struggle is the same. Believing that God loves you unconditionally. Believing that you can’t do anything to make Him love you more, nor can you do anything to make Him love you less. Do you want to believe this with all your heart? Do you want to live in a way that the world sees that you believe this? Do you want to know all the Bible verses about God’s unconditional love? This is a good place to start.

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How To Be Better About Praying For Others - 5 Game Changing Tips To Transform Your Prayer Time

Learning how to pray for others is an important lesson each believer must learn. We all know that prayer is a powerful tool, but it can be hard to make it a pillar in our lives. I have been on a journey for the last five years to learn how, when, and what to pray. Back in 2016, my marriage was falling apart. 

It was in that season that I learned the power of praying for others. At the time, the person was my husband, but the lesson applied to everyone I cared about. I began to see that I was praying for others with me in mind. Or even worse, I wasn’t really praying about the people I cared about at all. 

I have some tips that I have picked up over the years that I am proud of and genuinely believe may help you grow in your prayer life and help you to better intercede for those around you. 

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Does God See Us As Nobodies, Wretches or Sinners? Understanding Our Identity In Christ

There is this constant narrative that I have been aware of for years where we are told that or we declare of our selves that we are “nobody’s,” wretches, sinners, and the like. There is this line of thinking that implies that we, as believers, are still somehow worthless or God’s little charity orphans. 

People are crying out for identity all around us, so I believe it matters more than ever what we say of ourselves. The question is, does what we say of ourselves match what the Father says of us. It is after all His opinion that matters the most, so let’s dive in and see what scripture says about our identity and worth. 

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39 Powerful Bible Verses For Healing And Strength

God’s heart for you is that you be healthy and prosper. (3 John 1:2) Unfortunately, life can be tough at times, and attacks and chaos occasionally find us. When your circumstances are challenging, these Bible verses for healing and strength are sure to stir you up, point you back to truth and encourage you. 

The Bible has tons to say about healing, and it faithfully points our distracted, weary and wondering hearts back to the source of our strength. If you are in need today for either healing or strength, I pray these verses bless you and restore to you a greater hope!

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10 Verses For The Woman Who Feels Like An Outcast

If you’re reading this, we could assume it is because you resonate with the title I chose, so first off, let me just tell you that I feel you. I too have spent much of my life feeling like one of those sad broken toys on the Isle of Misfit Toys from Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

School, family, church, work - Regardless of where you are feeling left out, I have good news for you! From one outcast to another! It is this - you can rest my friend in the truth that you always have a place of belonging with the Father!

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The Time I Told God No - Bringing Our Questions, Hurts & Doubts To God

I grew up with the understanding that I was never supposed to “question” God. Nevertheless, as I grew in my faith and my relationship with Him, some of my most significant moments of breakthrough have come from moments where He met me at the end of my pretending. My greatest faith moments have come from moments of honesty, where I finally admitted all of the questions, doubts, and fears I had regarding Him.

So know that this story is not one of me in outright rebellion…at least I hope not. Instead, this was a moment of complete broken-hearted tantruming. I hope you’ll read through to the end as I genuinely want to share what this story taught me and what it means for you in your relationship with our Father.

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What Does The Bible Says About Your Suffering? - 12 Encouraging Bible Verses About Suffering

When we are in the midst of challenging circumstances, it is essential to know where to turn. If you find yourself asking what the Bible has to say about your suffering, you are not alone in that curiosity. God has tons to say to us when we are suffering and struggling with life more challenging seasons.

As someone well acquainted with suffering myself, these are my tried and true verses that I turn to when I am feeling in over my head or bodged down with heavy emotions. It is my prayer that you will find a handful of verses to add to your own arsenal for when life gets hard.

So let’s jump in and answer the question - What does the Bible say about my suffering?

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