Motherhood & The Holy Spirit - 3 Surprising Lessons Motherhood Taught Me About Holy Spirit

I took part in a training years ago on ministering deliverance. The thing that has stuck with me is that your relationships with family impact your view of the individuals of the trinity. 

How you interact with your dad heavily influences your instinctual view of God. (The have a whole post on how God is NOT like your dad that you can check out here.) Your relationship with your friends and siblings impacts your view of Jesus. The way you related to your mother impacts how you relate to Holy Spirit. 

This teaching has proven more accurate in my life and faith walk than I would like to admit at times.

Now that I am a mother, I think about and talk to Holy Spirit a TON more than ever before. The Holy Spirit is described using qualities that come most natural and common to women and mothers.

Holy Spirit is a comforter, an advocate, a counselor, and a helper.

As I quickly approach becoming a mother of two, I have been reflecting on this concept again. So if my mothering instincts are a reflection of the nature of Holy Spirit, here are some things I have learned.

He can’t not comfort.

I was not prepared for how drawn to my baby I would be. Of course, every mother is drawn to her child, but when he is upset, my draw to him takes on whole new levels of intensity. 

When Judah is crying, I CANNOT - not go to him and try to comfort him. It’s like some crazy switch gets flipped in my brain. Even though dad is working on it, I have to get in there! I have to try to comfort my baby! Especially if I believe he may have a need that only I can fulfill.

Holy Spirit is our comforter. He provides ease and freedom from our physical and emotional stress and grief. When we are in need or pain or turmoil, we can trust that our Comforter is there with us doing just that, comforting.

Side Note: Would you like a FREE 6-day reminder of how magnificently loved you are by the Father? Because if that is something you are interested in, that is totally something that I have for you. Joining thousands of other woman who have gone through our 6-day Scripture writing challenge and discover (or rediscover) ALL about how incredibly loved you are by the Father. You can join us by clicking here!

 You’re not always instantly comforted.

Just because I rush in to comfort does not mean Judah instantly receives that comfort. Sometimes I KNOW he’s hungry, and I KNOW that if he let me feed him and get a full belly, he would feel better and sleep more soundly.

That doesn’t mean Judah knows that. It’s the same for us. When we are so focused on the circumstances, and we’re distracted, we can miss the immediate invitation to find comfort in the Spirit.

 Sometimes He’ll walk you through things you don’t want to do. 

Judah went through this phase as a newborn, where he HATED diaper changes. (Heck, he still randomly freaks out sometimes during changes.) He would cry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I remember one day, his Mimi and Poppy volunteered to go change him, and when they returned, one of them had said: “He really hates diaper changes.” 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️

He still had to be changed, though. We couldn’t leave him in his mess because that would only cause a more significant mess.

There will be seasons when Holy Spirit invites you to walk through some past trauma or some false mindset to help you break free from the behavioral patterns and mental distress holding on to those old things causes.

It probably won’t be fun at the moment, but when you and Holy Spirit get that mess cleaned up, you’ll look back and see it is so worth it.

I pray this helps you see what a friend and partner you have in Holy Spirit. I pray His presence today would be a constant reminder of what a treasure His relationship is to us as we find help, comfort, rest, and advocacy in Him.

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