Spiritual Warfare Verses - 7 Scriptures To Inspire You To Fight Well

I personally think it is important to remember that we are in a war. There is a fight happening all around us. Every day the culture shows us just how much worse it is constantly growing. You cannot turn on the news without another heart-wrenching story of some tragedy affecting some part of the world or even your own neighborhood. Then there our own personal battles and challenges in our day to day lives. 

Spiritual warfare is all around us. Luckily we have so many wonderful promises and truths to stand on from God’s word. These are things we can cling to with life is tough and they are things we can declare over our world and the hurting people around us. 

Today I want to share some of my favorite verses to cling to constantly. These are the verses you should jot down and post around your home. You should journal them and read them regularly so that you can commit them to your memory and bust them out when overwhelm or distractions begin to crowd in. 

Here are my favorite spiritual warfare verses. 

1 Samuel 17:46-47

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”

Jesus made it very clear in John 16:33 that while trouble will find us in this world, we can rest assuredly in the fact that he has already overcome this world. We're going to have our fair share of struggles and conflicts in this life because we have an enemy trying to divert our attention from all that Jesus has already won and all that we as believers have in Christ. The thing we have to remember is the fact that the battle is not ours, therefore, we don't have to fight it on our own or with our own resources. 

David bodily approached a giant that the armies of Israel had been afraid of and cowering from for weeks. He was able to do this because he was aware of the fact that the battle was the Lord's. He also knew that that the Lord had helped him through many private battles and he knew God would continue to see him through. 

Colossians 2:15

He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

God is triumphant already. Satan roams this world wreaking havoc through his lies and deceit but that is all he has. He spreads falsehoods and deception and doubt and through those things he can cause people to do some bad things. 

Overall, though, he has no power. He was stripped of it through Jesus' sacrifice and victory at the cross. This verse reminds us not only did Jesus strip the enemy of his power, Jesus also put him to open shame. This is the image of an old custom in those days. When a king defeated a foe he would parade the conquered enemy through the streets naked and usually missing hands or some other valuable body parts. The whole kingdom would come out to watch the procession. This may seem crazy and cruel but its purpose was to dispel all fear that enemy had over the people. The threat they had posed was completely dissolved in the spectacle. That's the picture Paul paints in Colossians.

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

As Christians, we are going against the normal flow of the culture and the world we are currently living in so of course there will be objections and hurdles. We are called to be fighters and to stand for what is good and right. 

It's like that Sunday school song. "I am in the Lord's army! Yes, sir!" We're soldiers. We have a mission and we have a charge. We fight until the war is finished. We fight to remain at peace. We work to remember who we are in Christ. We labor to remember that regardless of what life may through at us, God is good and He is for us and we are victorious. We fight to cling to Truth even when the experiences are contrary. 

Romans 8:37-39

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Conqueror is a fun word. The NASB translates it as “we overwhelmingly conquer.” The greek word that is used there has the idea of being “above all measure.” It means that our victory is complete. 

Just think what Jesus did! He died. He appeared to have been defeated, but the Bible says He took the keys to death and the grave and He rose victoriously having conquered. He was triumphant but He didn't just stop there. He then called us out of the enemy camp where our loyalties lied. We were enemies of God and in full blown rebellion against Him, nevertheless, He calls us and as we stumble out of the kingdom of darkness we encounter His marvelous light and we are forever changed by the love and the grace we find in His presence. We are so changed after encountering His love that we then march back into the shadows and call out more captives that they may also encounter the victorious and loving King we have come to know and serve. 

We are more than conquerors. We have been saved and rescued. We’ve been declared friends of God and even better we are adopted as His children. He sets us free from all that binds and He heals all of our brokenness and pain. He cleans us up and makes us new and whole and then He arms us with His victory and power. He redeems our tragedies, sufferings and wasted time and He gives those painful places purpose and life. Then he sends us back to lead others out. You are so much more than even just a conqueror!

Psalm 91:7

 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

I love this promise. Sometimes I don’t always recognize a verse as a promise when I am just reading through so if you are like me let me help you! This isa promise! Write it down and cling to it! 

Just because everything around us is falling into complete turmoil does not mean that we have too. We can fight against the temptation to give in to fear and defeat and instead stand on the promise that we don’t have to just sit back and accept the fate of those around us for ourselves. 

Isaiah 54:17 

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”

Hint hint! This is another promise! Weapons will be formed against you. Your fight is to trust God and believe that those weapons will not succeed. Your fight is to remain at peace and rest when lies and hindrances rise up all around you. Lying tongues will come forward but you relax in the Truth. You remain confident in the promise that no weapon will advance and every lying tongue will be stilled. 

Ephesians 6:13

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

This one leads me to part 2 of this spiritual warfare, why the heck is life kicking the tar out of me series…I am still working on the title. Anyways, the armor of God! It is crazy how little I tend to meditate on the armor of God. Life is tough. Y’all know that! God has given us this armor and these tools to stand in the midst of life’s challenges and obstacles and most days I forget I even own battle gear! It's like it's hanging in the back of the closet and I am over here dreaming of having a cape or a magical carpet or something just wasting time and ground.

God tells us to take up our armor piece by piece so that we can stand firm. I encourage you to read Ephesians 6:10-17 and then join me back here next week for part two and the following week for part three where we will break down the armor of God piece by piece.

We have no idea what this week has in store for us y’all, but God does. God knows what is coming and He promises to walk with us every step of the way. He offers to carry our heavy loads. He promises to give us rest and to help us when we need it. He has equipped us to be overcomers and more than conquerors. I pray you march on through your week with these truths in mind. Make sure you check out part two for a handy freebie that will be available!

I would love to hear some of your favorite battle verses! I would also love to hear about any battles you have won lately. We can discuss in the comments below. I would also love it if you would take a moment to share this with your friends and followers. 

Also, make sure you are a member of our growing online community! I send out weekly doses of encouragement as well as recaps of all the new posts that go live each week on the blog. Members also get instant free access to our eBook Overcome which is packed full of help and hope for life tough times.

be kind this week and remember that you are blessed,