3 Tips For Building New Friendships After You've Been Hurt

Community is so important. We were created for connection. How can we make friends and grow relationships after we have been hurt and let down? How can we push past offense and disappointment to embrace new opportunities for building a community?

As Mike and I prepare for our cross-country move from West Virginia to Colorado(we’ll already be there by the time you read this.) one of the most significant challenges ahead of us is establishing community and making new friendships.

I do not claim to be an expert in making new friendships at all. What I am sharing with you today is what I am sensing the Lord is counseling me on in preparation for this new season ahead. What I am sharing is my game plan moving forward and pushing past the hurts.

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4 Life Changing Verses for Those Who Feel Forgotten

A Christian looks up from the struggles one day and realizes he doesn't remember the last time he felt the presence of God. He doesn't remember the last thing he heard Him say. He acknowledges that in the busyness of ministry he may have neglected his relationship with the Lord but he is startled by how far away He feels. The distance causes guilt and shame which is used by the enemy to deceive. The Christian feels forgotten.

This feeling comes in many packages. Each unique and each painful.

No one likes to be forgotten. No one likes to feel like everyone's hanging out without them. It hurts when we fill like we're nothing but an afterthought to those we love. Here are four of my favorite scriptures for when I'm feeling forgotten.

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