Verses And Prayers For Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Pregnancy after loss can be scary and challenging. Good news is there are scriptures and promises that can be used as prayers for expectant mothers who have experienced miscarriage and loss. 

I want to first say that I am so sorry you are even here at this post. If you have suffered the loss of a child in pregnancy or after, I am so sorry. If you are expecting again, I want to encourage you not to let past losses tell you what is possible.

This is still a hard topic for me to address. I feel an obligation to speak on it due to the fact that it is sadly common and many women have experienced miscarriage or infant loss. 1 in 4 women statistically and yet no one seems to talk about it. For something that is unfortunately so common people don’t seem to know what to say or how to respond when the ones around us experience this tragedy. 

Mike and I have lost two babies to miscarriages. We lost one in 2015 and the second in 2017. In 2018 we welcomed our first son into the world. I wrote this post originally while I was 9 months pregnant with him and waiting for his arrival.

Now as I sit updating this post, I am 7 months pregnant and once again waiting for this little ones arrival.

With my son, we found out we were pregnant again just 30 days after our last miscarriage. It was such a surprise that we were in shock. I found balancing the feelings of loss that still remained for the baby I had just lost and the excitement and fear for the baby I was carrying to be a real challenge. 

It’s pretty similar now with this pregnancy as well. So clinging to promises and verses are such a must.

Today I want to share three verses to pray when you are pregnant after a miscarriage to help combat fear and anxiety. I am going to share the scriptures but also why they impacted me. Just in case you are newer to praying scriptures I will share what my prayers might look like when praying these particular verses. 

I am also creating free printable Scripture prayer cards for the verses to make it even easier to keep these verses in front of you throughout your pregnancy and labor. You can grab that freebie by clicking here. ( I will leave links at the bottom of the post as well.)

He tracks down killers and avenges bloodshed, but he will never forget the ones forgotten by others, hearing every one of their cries for justice. Psalm 9:12 TPT

Pregnancy can be scary enough on it's own. There are so many changes happening in your body plus there's this tiny little person that you're already crazy about. It can be even harder not to be overtaken by anxiety if this pregnancy comes after loss…

This verse has become a life verse for me. Our second miscarriage happened just one month before we found out we were pregnant again with our son. I found myself both heartbroken and mourning while also excited, scared, and hormonal. 

One of the hardest parts of miscarriage for me is the thought that people will forget my heavenly babies or that their lives won’t count.

This verse jumped out at me one day when reading and I heard the Lord whisper these words to me: “I will avenge and redeem them. I will never forget them. I hear every one of your and their cries for justice.”

He knows the loss. It matters to Him. He promises a coming day of justice. Just know if you are still hurting or mourning while pregnant that it is understandable. You can be both grateful and in pain at the same time and that is okay.

For this verse I would pray:

Thank you Father for reminding me of your  steadfast love and kindness. Thank you for being so patient with me and for reminding me that you are not the cause of loss and heartbreak. Thank you for staying with me throughout my mourning.

Father I acknowledge that you have a plan and that you are a redeeming God. Thank you that my babies are not hidden from you. Thank you that you will never ever forget them. Thank you that you hear our cries for justice. Thank you that someday the enemy will pay for all that he has stolen from me. 

They will not live in fear or dread of what may come, for their hearts are firm, ever secure in their faith. Steady and strong, they will not be afraid, but will calmly face their every foe until they all go down in defeat. Psalm 112:7-8 TPT

Pregnancy can be scary enough on it's own. There are so many changes happening in your body plus there's this tiny little person that you're already crazy about. It can be even harder not to be overtaken by anxiety if this pregnancy comes after loss…

I know how challenging it is to try and fight back fear and anxiety when you’re pregnant after miscarriage. It’s so challenging to truly believe that the outcome will be different. 

I found praying this verse to be helpful in clearing my mind and reminding myself that I was steady and strong. You have to tell yourself regularly that you’re brave and full of faith and that you will carry this healthy baby full term. 

I would pray this verse something like this:

Father thank you for being with me. Thank you that you are for me and that You are not the source of pain and loss. Thank you that with You I can live free from fear and dread of what the future may hold.

Thank you that regardless of what may come I can trust that you will be on my side. Thank You for making me secure. Thank You that I am steady and strong and I don’t have to be afraid. 

Then, because this verse has so many great declarative statements, I would journal or verbally declare the affirming statements over myself like this:

I will not live in fear or dread of what may come.

My heart is firm and I am secure in my faith.

I am steady and strong and I will not be afraid but calm knowing that whatever comes against me, will go down in defeat. 

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 ESV

Pregnancy can be scary enough on it's own. There are so many changes happening in your body plus there's this tiny little person that you're already crazy about. It can be even harder not to be overtaken by anxiety if this pregnancy comes after loss…

Finally that sweet baby you are carrying! You need to find a verse to pray over baby and also remind yourself of his/her future. I love Jeremiah 1:5 because it reminds me that our babies already have a calling on their lives. They already have a purpose and our Father already has a plan for them. 

I would pray:

Thank You for trusting me with this little life. It overwhelms me Father to consider that fact that you already know this child inside and out. You already have plans and purposes and callings on this baby’s life. Help me to remember what a great gift I have been entrusted with.

Teach me to steward this baby’s heart well all of his/her life. May I always point this baby back to you and when I am tempted to worry about the safety of my child help me to remember that he/she is first and foremost Your child and I can trust You to look after him/her.

Do notice that each of the prayer focus heavily on gratitude. They are filled with thank you’s. I believe gratitude leads to joy and a better perspective and outlook on life and it’s circumstances. 

Congratulations to you momma on your pregnancy and know our hearts ache with yours over your past losses.

Our prayer for every mother who comes through here is that you would find peace and rest in the arms of our Father, that you would know He is a safe place to mourn and grieve and that you would be restored and redeemed and filled with hope and excitement for what God has in store for your future.

I really pray these verses and prayers bring you as much comfort as they’ve brought me. If they do you can grab a FREE printable version of them here to keep nearby for when those fears and lies try to distract you. You can grab that printable here!

If you did find this helpful or you think your friends or followers would enjoy it, would you consider sharing this out? It really helps us to spread our message of hope and love further. There are share buttons on the screen to make it super quick and easy.  

All the verses marked TPT shared in today post are taken from one of Mike and I’s favorite translations, The Passion Translation. We love this version and the heart behind it. The best part is the Kindle version is usually available on Amazon for under $10. Last time I checked, it was only $8.99! You can check it out here.